230 Hillcrest Drive
Clarksville, TN

Massage Therapy

Whether you have back pain or neck pain, you may experience a reduced range of motion and have difficulty completing daily tasks. At Hillcrest Chiropractic in Clarksville, TN, we offer a variety of treatments, such as massage therapy, to alleviate your discomfort and improve your overall health. Before scheduling your appointment, learn more about massage therapy below:


How Massage Therapy Relieves Back Pain

Massage therapy can help alleviate back pain, and it's also a good option for neck pain treatment and sciatica treatment, as well. The treatment reduces inflammation, ease muscle tension, and improves circulation. Not only that, but it can also help prevent further injury and pain from returning. We may sometimes combine massage therapy with chiropractic adjustments to help you heal faster.

Therapeutic Massage for Neck Pain

Neck pain is common and can occur from poor posture, auto accident injuries, pinched nerves, or arthritis. By focusing on the tissues in the affected region, we can help these tissues relax and promote healing. When muscle tension is reduced, it makes it easier to properly align your cervical spine. Our chiropractor will also use techniques that can increase your range of motion and help you return to your normal routine without discomfort.

Treatment for Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when your sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed. As a result, you may experience lower back pain, numbness, or tingling. By combining massage therapy and chiropractic care, we can relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. While it may take some time to recover fully, you should experience some relief after your first treatment.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

If you need back pain treatment or neck pain treatment, let our team at Hillcrest Chiropractic in Clarksville, TN, help. After an evaluation, we can create a well-rounded treatment plan to help you feel your best. To learn more about how massage therapy can benefit you or some of our other services, contact our office at (931) 906-9697. When you’re looking for a chiropractor near me, we are happy to assist you! 


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Office Hours

Closed for lunch 12pm - 2pm

9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm